New York Public Library, Estonian Writer’s Union and Tartu – European Capital of Culture 2024 invite you to join the online event on April 26th for a for a celebration of Life’s achievements of Uku Masing – a key literary and academic figure in modern Estonia. Uku Masing (1909 – 1985) was an Estonian poet, theologian, historian of religion, folklore specialist and philologist. His extraordinary intellectual powers, broad grasp and charisma have made him a mythical figure in Estonian literary and humanitarian circles.
The panel discussion with literary and musical interludes will include researcher at the Estonian Literary Museum Külliki Kuusk, lecturer and a research fellow at the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Tartu Indrek Peedu, award-winning Estonian writer, literary scholar, translator and a musician Lauri Sommer, and Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore of the University of Tartu Ülo Valk. The celebration will also take us to memorable places in Tartu, connected to the cultural heritage and legacy of this unique man and his city.
This event will be held online via Zoom, advance registration is required. More information about the event can be also found here.
Event is organized in cooperation with Estonian Consulate General in New York