The Consulate General of Estonia in New York is closed as of August 1. Please turn to the Embassy of Estonia in Washington DC.


Information for travelers

Based on the recommendation of the Council of the European Union, Estonia has opened its border to 14 countries outside the European Union that have a low infection rate. From 6 July 2020, residents of Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay can travel to Estonia. Currently the U.S. is not on the list of countries whose residents are allowed to enter Estonia. Therefore, residents of the U.S. are allowed to enter to Estonia only in exceptional cases listed in the order of the government (clauses 3-13).

With regard to people who do not fall under the exemptions referred to in the order of the government, it is still possible to authorize a border crossing on the basis of an application for permission, which must be sent to the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board [email protected].

Please note that the compulsory self-isolation for people arriving in Estonia depends on whether the relative coronavirus infection rate in their country of departure where they have spent at least 14 days before departure is above 16. This means that no more than 16 people per 100 000 inhabitants are infected in the passenger’s country of departure in the past 14 days. Anyone arriving in Estonia from a country with a higher infection rate must self-isolate for two weeks on arrival.

More information about crossing the border and self-isolation requirements can be found on the website of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board and on the website of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs